Debunking flat earth theory of seeing lighthouses
Debunking flat earth theory of seeing lighthouses

debunking flat earth theory of seeing lighthouses

The loom of the light can be seen in the night sky over much of West Cork.". "The present lighthouse, the second on the site, is the tallest and widest anywhere in Ireland or Britain and recognised as one of the most elegant in the world. If it is a really dark moonless night, lights can be seen at a considerable range, it is even possible to take a bearing on the light in these conditions.". "When your height of eye is too low, but the light is powerful enough to reach as far as your position you will see a loom of light, which is the beam of the lighthouse shining in an arc as it crosses the sky. Atmospheric refraction causes the ' loom of the light' effect and explains why the light from a lighthouse can be seen much further than the 'line of sight' distance to the horizon. A lighthouse shines its light on a horizontal plane, not downwards towards the horizon. Lighthouses are deliberately built high to account for the curvature of the earth. On a flat earth, a lighthouse would only need to be floating on the surface of the water (or only slightly above it) in order to be seen, for the only obstacle to its light being seen would be the waves, not the curvature of the earth.Ģ.

debunking flat earth theory of seeing lighthouses

Lighthouses: 'Loom of the Light' Refutes FETġ.

Debunking flat earth theory of seeing lighthouses